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Framingham State University



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Fall 2023
Mar 06, 2025
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Information Select the Course Number to get further detail on the course. Select the desired Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

MATH 105 - Math for Modern Society
An immersion in quantitative problem-solving, as it relates to real-world scenarios, in order to facilitate making informed decisions. Topics related to numbers in the news, financial mathematics, mathematical modeling, and probability and statistics enable students to sharpen arithmetic and algebra skills. An emphasis is placed on critical reading, sound reasoning, and precise oral and written communication in various applied situations. Prerequisite: Satisfactory mathematics placement.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 00, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08

MATH 105R - Math for Modern Society
An immersion in quantitative problem-solving, as it relates to real-world scenarios, in order to facilitate making informed decisions. Topics related to numbers in the news, financial mathematics, mathematical modeling, and probability and statistics enable students to sharpen arithmetic and algebra skills. An emphasis is placed on critical reading, sound reasoning, and precise oral and written communication in various applied situations. This course includes an additional a one-hour per week lecture recitation. Topics may vary by section at the discretion of the instructor with the goal of supporting students' readiness for, and success, in the lecture course.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours
1.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 00, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08, MATH Crs w/Recitation Req'd

MATH 110 - Mathematics for Elementary Educators I
An exploration of numbers, their representations, relationships, and uses; arithmetic; elementary set theory; basic logic; geometry; measurement; probability; and statistics. This course offers a college-level treatment of content areas of interest to prospective early childhood and elementary teachers. Problem solving and the communication of mathematical ideas, both verbally and algebraically, are woven throughout the course. Note: Students may not receive credit for both this course and MATH 113 Introduction to College Mathematics. Prerequisite: Satisfactory mathematics placement. Education majors only.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08

MATH 110R - Mathematics for Elementary Educators I
An exploration of numbers, their representations, relationships, and uses; arithmetic; elementary set theory; basic logic; geometry; measurement; probability; and statistics. This course offers a college-level treatment of content areas of interest to prospective early childhood and elementary teachers. Problem solving and the communication of mathematical ideas, both verbally and algebraically, are woven throughout the course. This course includes an additional a one-hour per week lecture recitation. Topics may vary by section at the discretion of the instructor with the goal of supporting students' readiness for, and success, in the lecture course. Note: Students may not receive credit for both this course and MATH 113 Introduction to College Mathematics. Prerequisite: Education majors only.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours
1.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 00, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08, MATH Crs w/Recitation Req'd

MATH 120 - Mathematics for Elementary Educators II
A continuation of MATH 110 Mathematics for Elementary Educators I, providing further exploration of numbers and arithmetic, geometry, measurement, probability, and statistics from the point of view of prospective early childhood and elementary school teachers. Problem solving and the communication of mathematical ideas, both verbally and algebraically, are strands that unite the course. Note: Open only to Education majors. Prerequisite: MATH 110 Mathematics for Elementary Educators I.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 123 - Introduction to Functions
An exploration of numerical, graphical, and symbolic approaches to function concepts with emphasis on real-world applications, modeling, and problem-solving skills. Topics include polynomial and rational functions, equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, and the connection between functions and their graphs. Prerequisite: Satisfactory mathematics placement.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08

MATH 123R - Introduction to Functions
An exploration of numerical, graphical, and symbolic approaches to algebraic concepts with emphasis on real-world applications, modeling, and problem-solving skills. Topics include polynomials, rational expressions, equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, matrices, and the connection between functions and their graphs. This course includes an additional a one-hour per week lecture recitation. Topics may vary by section at the discretion of the instructor with the goal of supporting students' readiness for, and success, in the lecture course.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours
1.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 00, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08, MATH Crs w/Recitation Req'd

MATH 180 - Precalculus
A thorough preparation in the skills and topics needed to study calculus. After a review of polynomial and rational functions and their graphs, topics include inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 123 Introduction to Functions with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or better, or a satisfactory score on the mathematics placement examination.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Certificate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08

MATH 206 - Discrete Mathematics I
An introduction to mathematical rigor and reasoning. Topics include logic, sets, functions, combinatorics, sequences and summations, recursion, and mathematical induction, with an emphasis on methods of proof. Note: A student may not receive credit for both this course and MATH 292 Discrete Mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 180 Precalculus or a satisfactory score on the mathematics placement examination.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 217 - Business Calculus
A survey of the mathematical skills required in upper-level business courses. Emphasis is placed on applications of mathematics discussed in a business context. Topics include functions, polynomial equations, linear models and regression, systems of linear equations and matrix equations, and differential calculus. Prerequisites: ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics or ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics; and STAT 107 Business Statistics.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08

MATH 219 - Calculus I
A study of functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, rules of differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of differentiation, definite and indefinite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 180 Precalculus with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or better, or a satisfactory score on the mathematics placement examination.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
D.v1_DomainGenEd-Domain II-A, D.v1_DomainGenEd-Core Math, Undergraduate Level Course, Lrng Objective 03, Lrng Objective 08

MATH 220 - Calculus II
A study of the applications of integration, first-order linear and separable differential equations, techniques of integration, improper integrals, sequences, series, and Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 219 Calculus I with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or better.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 221 - Calculus III
A study of conic sections; vectors in two and three dimensions; dot and cross products and their applications to geometry; equations of lines and planes; quadratic surfaces; polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates; and functions of several variables, partial derivatives, differentials, directional derivatives, gradients, optimization problems, multiple integrals and their applications. Prerequisite: MATH 220 Calculus II with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or higher.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 222 - Differential Equations
A study of the methods for solving linear and elementary nonlinear differential equations with special emphasis on applications in the sciences. Topics covered include equations of the variable separable type; exact, homogeneous and Bernoulli equations; the method of substitution; approximation methods; linear equations; series techniques; Laplace transforms; systems of equations; and the Sturm-Liouville theory. Prerequisites: MATH 220 Calculus II and MATH 226 Linear Algebra and Applications.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Independent Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 226 - Linear Algebra and Applications
A study of vector spaces, subspaces, linear dependence, bases, dimension, linear mappings, linear equations, matrices, inner products and norms, determinants, quadratic forms, and the spectral theorem. Applications to various fields outside of mathematics are examined. Prerequisites: MATH 206 Discrete Mathematics I and MATH 219 Calculus I.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 310 - Number Theory
A study of the integers, including divisibility, prime numbers, and modular arithmetic. Topics include congruences, the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, multiplicative functions, primitive roots, quadratic reciprocity, and classic number sets. Theory is explored using a computer algebra system. Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 206 Discrete Mathematics I with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or higher.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 317 - Higher Geometry
A precise, rigorous examination of the axioms and concepts of various geometries. Euclidean, non-Euclidean, and transformational geometries are investigated, and proofs are emphasized throughout the course. Prerequisites: Sophomore status and completion of MATH 206 Discrete Mathematics I with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or higher.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 322 - History of Mathematics
An examination of the development of mathematical concepts through the years. The use of historical material in the classroom, the reading of original sources, and study of famous problems are emphasized. Topics include ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Islamic mathematics and, solutions to polynomial equations, up to the development of the calculus. Prerequisite: MATH 219 Calculus I.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Independent/Directed Study, Independent Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 340 - Probability Theory
A study of general probability and random variables with univariate and multivariate probability distributions. Topics include axioms of probability, combinatorial and conditional probabilities, special distributions, and the Central Limit Theorem. Examples from scientific and business fields may be discussed. Upon course completion, students should be prepared for the Society of Actuaries (SOA) Preliminary Exam P (Probability). Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 206 Discrete Mathematics I with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or higher and MATH 221 Calculus III (may be taken concurrently), or permission of the instructor.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 346 - Complex Analysis
A survey of the foundations of calculus of a single complex variable. Topics include defining the complex plane, differential calculus of complex functions, elementary functions on the complex plane, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, contour integrals, the Cauchy Integral Formula, Liouville’s Theorem, and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Corequisite: MATH 221 Calculus III.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 360 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory
An introduction to the basic techniques and reasoning of combinatorial problem-solving. Topics from graph theory studied include the types of graphs, planarity, coloring theorems, and an introduction to Ramsey theory. Topics from enumerative combinatorics studied include counting principles, inclusion/exclusion, the pigeonhole principle, combinations, permutations, binomial identities, and generating functions. Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 206 Discrete Mathematics I with a minimum grade of C (2.00) and MATH 220 Calculus II or permission of instructor.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 390 - Special Topics in Mathematics
An in-depth examination of topics in mathematics at a level beyond that of introductory courses. Topics vary depending on the interests of the instructor and may be interdisciplinary. This course may be taken twice, provided a different special topic is offered. Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 206 Discrete Mathematics I with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or higher and MATH 220 Calculus II, or permission of the instructor. Additional prerequisites may be required dependent upon topic.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 419 - Abstract Algebra I
An introduction to algebraic structures including groups, rings, and fields, as well as morphisms and sub-structures. Fundamental number theoretic topics are included to establish connections and provide examples in the context of abstract algebra. Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 226 Linear Algebra and Applications with a minimum grade of C (2.00)
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 427 - Real Analysis
An in-depth study of set theory, relations and functions, properties of the real number system, topology of the real line, introduction to metric spaces, limits of sequences and functions, continuous functions, differentiation, and the Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 206 Discrete Mathematics I with a minimum grade of C (2.00) or higher and MATH 221 Calculus III.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 439 - Abstract Algebra II
A further study of the essential topics of abstract algebra including: normal subgroups, ideals, polynomial rings, and Galois Theory. Additional topics are addressed to establish connections to applications in modern mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 419 Abstract Algebra I.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 490 - Independent Study in Mathematics
Student research on a topic or topics in higher mathematics or computer science. Suggested areas include applied algebra, numerical analysis, and mathematical physics. The student should make arrangements with the faculty member who is to direct the work one semester in advance of the work. Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair.
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 495 - Internship in Mathematics
The student is encouraged (and assisted to whatever extent possible) by the Mathematics Department to seek employment during summers or part time during the school year, involving non-trivial applications of mathematics. In this manner the student can earn up to three (3) course credits, the amount of credit being decided by the student¿s advisor and the department chair. Prerequisite: Approval of the chair.
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Internship

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

MATH 808 - Applied Statistical Data Processing
Practical aspects of data analysis using statistical computer packages such as MINITAB, SPSSX, AND BMDP. Multivariate statistical methods including multiple regression, analysis of covariance, factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, discriminant analysis and linear models for cross-classified categorical data are emphasized. Students do individual data analysis projects. Prerequisite: MATH 307 Intermediate Statistics.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated
Schedule Types: Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course

MATH 810 - Number Theory
A study of the properties of numbers. Topics include mathematical induction, divisibility, primes, congruencies, the Chinese remainder theorem, primitive roots, quadratic reciprocity, continued fractions, partitions and the history of some classical problems.Prerequisite: 43.220 Calculus II.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 811 - Problem Solving/Modeling in Mathematics
A study in problem solving with the development of banks of problems appropriate to various grade levels and selected from arithmetic, informal geometry, logic, measurement, number sequences, probability, and statistics, challenging enough to provoke interest, but realistic enough to be successful experiences. Heuristic problem solving techniques, Polya's stages of problem solving, specific strategies, and pedagogical issues are studied. Prerequisites: 43.201 Intuitive Geometry, and 43.215 Finite Mathematics
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 817 - Introduction to Higher Geometry Introduction to Higher Geometry
A precise, rigorous examination of the axioms and concepts of various geometries. Euclidean, non-Euclidean, and transformational geometries are investigated. Prerequisite: 43.219 Calculus I.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 819 - Abstract Algebra
A study of the algebraic structures, groups, rings, integral domains, fields, and polynomials. Note: students may not receive credit for both this course and 43.835 Algebraic Structures I (formerly Modern Algebra). Prerequisite:MATH 810 Number Theory
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 848 - Mathematical Statistics I
Sample spaces, events as subsets of a sample space, probability, axioms, combinatorics applied to probability problems, random variables and their distributions, special distributions, multivariate distributions, central limit theorem, and topics in statistical inference. Prerequisites: 43.221 Calculus III and either 43.215 Finite Mathematics or 43.226 Linear Algebra and Applications.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 849 - Mathematical Statistics II
Estimation, decision theory and hypothesis testing, linear models, regression, analysis of variance, analysis of categorical data, nonparametric inference. Prerequisite: 43.848 Mathematical Statistics I.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 870 - Seminar in Mathematics
An exploration of an advanced topic in mathematics or computer science. The particular topic is announced at least one semester in advance. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 878 - Real Analysis
Set theory, relations and functions, properties of the real number system, topology of the real line, introduction to metric spaces, limits of sequences and functions, continuous functions, differentiation, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Prerequisite: 43.221 Calculus III.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 901 - Foundations of Mathematics
An in depth investigation of the fundamental concepts of mathematics and their properties. The topics range from sets and logic to abstract algebra and proof. NOTE: This course serves as a foundation to all other courses in the graduate program.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 908 - Geometry for Middle and High School Teachers I
Designed for middle and high school teachers and includes such topics as a comparison between the metric and synthetic approach to geometry, polygons, polyhedra, tessellations, constructions, proof techniques, transformations, symmetry, and geometric modeling. These topics are also used to suggest methods and approaches to the teaching of geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 901 Foundations of Mathematics or Permission of Program Coordinator.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 910 - Algebra for the Middle and High School Teachers
Designed for middle and high school teachers and investigates the fundamental concepts of algebra. The topics will include real and complex numbers, binary operations and their properties, set theory, functions, polynomials, equations, algebraic structures, graphing, and related topics.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Secondary Education - Math, Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 913 - Mathematical Models of Collective Action
A study of collective action, cooperation, and social choice theory through the lens of mathematical game theory, specifically the Prisoner's Dilemma game. Topics include the effect of group size and selective incentives on the likelihood of success in a one-off group action, strategies that individuals employ in repeated group interactions, and how cooperation can evolve if members of the group have repeated interactions. Special attention is paid to the above topics in the context of a math classroom. Prerequisites: MATH 901 Foundations of Mathematics
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Division of Graduate & Cont Ed Division
Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 918 - Elementary Number Theory for Teachers
A study of the summation and product notations, recursion, figurate numbers, divisibility, greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, lowest common multiple, and consequences. The course offers numerous opportunities for experimentation and exploration, and for conjecturing the myriad properties of Pascal's triangle, Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Catlan numbers, Fermat numbers and Pell numbers. Note: Students cannot receive credit for this course if they have already completed 43.310/43.810 Number Theory. Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 924 - Data Analyses and Statistical Concepts in Biotechnology
Designed for data interpretation, analysis and statistical application in the biotechnology industry. Students perform analysis of quality and assess risk in making business decisions. It includes discussion of appropriate experimental methods. Students apply statistical analysis software commonly used in biotechnology and professional science industries. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the P.S.M. program in Biotechnology or Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance for Biotechnology.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Division of Graduate & Cont Ed Division
Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Quality Assrnc Biotech Certifc, P.S.M. - Biotechnology

MATH 926 - Geometry for Middle and High School Teachers II
A continuation of MATH 908 Geometry for Middle and High School Teachers I in which students investigate finite, taxicab, spherical, and non-Euclidean geometrics with an emphasis on hyperbolic geometry. Applications of these geometries to real life problems and other areas of mathematics are surveyed. Students create modules adapting this material to their classrooms. Prerequisites: MATH 908 Geometry for Middle and High School Teachers I and MATH 910 Algebra for the Middle and High School Teacher.
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Lecture

Division of Graduate & Cont Ed Division
Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 928 - Problem Solving for Teachers
Designed for middle and high school teachers and emphasizes the study of a variety of types of problems and the strategies that might be used to solve them. One of the important objectives of the course is to immerse teachers in a problem-solving atmosphere that encourages them to make connections to previously learned concepts, to the different areas of mathematics and to the Grades 6-12 curriculum. Topics include problems from the fields of logic, set theory, geometry, number theory, algebra, analysis and probability.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 933 - Calculus I for the Middle and High School Teachers
An in-depth investigation of the development of Calculus, with a careful treatment of the limit concept with regard to differentiation and integration. The investigation includes various applications of these operations and connects them to familiar problem situations. The importance of algebra and trigonometry skills are illustrated and emphasized. Prerequisites: MATH 901 Foundations of Mathematics and MATH 910 Algebra for Middle and High School Teachers.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture

Division of Graduate & Cont Ed Division
Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 934 - Calculus II for the Middle and High School Teacher
A continuation of MATH 933 Calculus I for Middle and High School Teachers. This course investigates the use of the limit concept in the development and application of the concept of integration. The investigation includes the topics of sequences, series, numerical integration and topics related to the Advanced Placement courses presently offered at most high schools. Prerequisites: MATH 933 Calculus I for Middle and High School Teachers.
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated
Schedule Types: Lecture

Division of Graduate & Cont Ed Division
Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 985 - Directed Study in Mathematics
Student research on a topic or topics in higher mathematics or computer science. Suggested areas include applied algebra, numerical analysis, and mathematical physics. The student should make arrangements with the faculty member who is to direct his/her work one semester in advance of the work.
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study, Internship

Mathematics Department

MATH 990 - Directed Study in Mathematics
Student research on a topic or topics in higher mathematics or computer science. Suggested areas include applied algebra, numerical analysis, and mathematical physics. The student should make arrangements with the faculty member who is to direct his/her work one semester in advance of the work.
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate
Schedule Types: Independent/Directed Study

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Graduate Level Course, Mathematics (MEd)

MATH 999 - Reading and Research in Higher Mathematics
A course where the student writes an essay or a thesis on a topic in higher mathematics, under the direction of a faculty member.
1.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Independent/Directed Study, Independent Study

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
Mathematics (MEd)

MATH LAB - Mathematics Lab Emporium for MATH 1xx
A co-requisite two-hour mathematics lab providing just-in-time remediation for students who are under-prepared in math. Students must be enrolled in a corresponding credit-bearing mathematics course and are required to attend this weekly faculty-led math lab. Attendance and assignments are incorporated into the final grade of lecture course. Note: This is a non-credit course.
0.000 Credit hours
2.000 Lab hours

Levels: Non-Matriculated, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Other

Mathematics Department

Course Attributes:
MATH Lab for PTMA =< 1.0

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