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Framingham State University



Catalog Entries


Fall 2023
Feb 17, 2025
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EDPS 422A - Secondary Professional Practicum A: History 5-12
A supervised student-teaching practicum in a public school classroom five days per week, appropriate for the license sought, in which students have an opportunity to practice teaching competencies under the supervision of a supervising practitioner and a University supervisor. Students also participate in a seminar to analyze teaching strategies, refine classroom management practices, develop curriculum, and reflect on their teaching practice. Other than the co-requisite, no other course may be taken while enrolled in this course. This course is graded as satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Corequisite: EDPS 422B Secondary Professional Practicum B: History 5-12. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of student teaching application which includes a passing score on all required Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) for the license sought; EDIL 322 Secondary Methods with Field Study II: History; GPA of 3.00 in major in History Teaching Concentration (UHIT), overall GPA of 2.80 and 2.80 GPA in all courses in the secondary education minor including PSYC 200 Psychology of Development.
2.000 Credit hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Eductn Practicum &Seminar

Education Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

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