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Framingham State University



Detailed Course Information


Fall 2023
Feb 17, 2025
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Information Select the desired Level or Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

PSYC 495 - Internship in Psychology
A culminating academic experience for Psychology majors during which students work in a supervised field placement. The field work involves a minimum 120 total hours (approximately 8-10 hours/week) spread equally throughout the entire semester in an applied setting such as a community service agency, school, clinic, hospital, research facility or business. Students are responsible for securing a placement and presenting it to the course instructor for approval prior to the start of the semester. The field work is supported by class meetings on campus, and career planning is integrated into the course. As one of the capstone courses for the major, students continue to develop their ability to think within the discipline, and they refine their communication skills through oral and written reports. They also apply and/or integrate knowledge about the scientific method, ethics, and diversity. Students create a final project for public dissemination. Students are encouraged to work with Career Services and Employer Relations for guidance on the internship search process. Note: A minimum grade of C- (1.70) is required in this course in order to fulfill a psychology major capstone requirement. Prerequisites: Junior status, completion of PSYC 391 Research II: Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Methods with a minimum grade of C- (1.7), completion of one (1) additional 300-level psychology course, and permission of instructor. Psychology majors only.
1.000 Credit hours

Levels: Post-Baccalaureate Tchr Lcnse, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Directed Study, Lecture, Internship with Seminar

Psychology & Philosophy Department

Course Attributes:
Undergraduate Level Course

May not be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     
May not be assigned one of the following Student Attributes:     
      DGCE Student
Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications:     
      Senior - Day Division
      Junior - Day Division
      Junior - Continuing Educatn
      Senior - Continuing Educatn


General Requirements:
Course or Test: PSYC 391
Minimum Grade of C-
May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: PSYC 351
Minimum Grade of C-
May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: PSYC 300 to 399
May not be taken concurrently.  )
100 to 499
Required Credits: 20.000
May not be taken concurrently. )

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